Wednesday, 15 January 2014

The plot thickens.....

Having resigned, having told people that we are leaving teaching, the bridge burning process seems fully in flow. The amusing thing is that parents and staff are a little perplexed as to what we are doing!?!?

Some think we are emigrating, Clare is taking the Deputy headship at the school, and the rumours just go round. It is amusing, but also a little frustrating as many are guessing our news before we have the chance to explain on our terms. It seems that there maybe a leakage of news!

Shame really, it's our excitement and we want to explain it on our own terms.

Nevermind, onwards! No buyers yet for my car, and we need to seriously get onto looking at big vans. 10% of the mortgage paid in a lump sum, so that helps!


Sunday, 12 January 2014


Officially resigned now.  Gone out to parents.  Can't wait to finish.  A new career beckons somewhere! Just need to work to July now.  Someone hopefully coming to look at the Honda too. 

Friday, 10 January 2014


So, it all gathers steam now. Officially resigned now , it has gone public and we are feeling good. Not sure where the pennies come from next year, but we'll worry about that later. As for now, it feels very much like the correct thing to be doing. 

We have not officially revealed our plans yet, giving people a bit of time to ponder that one and then go public later. 

All is good though. Excitement grows!

In other news, we have been called for the official pre-passport interview! Best check my children's date of births, parents birth places and NI number!!!!


Sunday, 5 January 2014

Back to school

Back to school tomorrow.

Weird feeling that this will be our final 2 terms in teaching for the foreseeable future.

Very exciting though. Went to look at big vans with the kids on the weekend. It piddled down, so we had a reality check as we were stuck in a van whilst the storm passed over.

Small spaces too. So rations of 1 pair of pants and a toothbrush I think!

An important week though. Governors need to be told, monies need to be checked, and cars still need to be sold!


PS  - this is a dull blog as I am only checking that it all works, and I would like to have a record of the whole thing from start to finish. e.g. when we get back and have the reality check that we have no money and no jobs etc!!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Passports today

Off to complete and send off the passports today.  So all is on track and moving along nicely ready for the practice run at easter and then the biggie in August. 
