Monday 30 June 2014

4 weeks to go ..... and amazing generosity!

I will say this many a time I believe, but I can't believe that it is only 4 weeks. It is getting very real now. The prospect of taking your family out of the 'norm' of life and heading off into a relatively unknown is becoming quite a daunting idea. The whim of the thought in December 2013 (although the idea has been there long before), is all too scary and real. Final preparations and organisations are still going on, and I'm fully aware that final preparations will be superseded by the final final preparations, and then the absolute final preparations etc. Anyway, through the post today came the all important Italian phrasebook and CDs for the language. The significance of which is major following our day yesterday. After having the 'Shirleys' round for the afternoon and for tea yesterday, I can safely say that there are some very wonderful people in the world. I can't really digress here and now, but safe to say, they are added to the list of wonderful people who are helping make this madness all possible. In due course, all will become clear. Also, thanks to them for a lovely pudding (I'm polishing it off tonight), and a lovely bottle of red (best not polish it off tonight.) For now though, I have pressing school matters, duties to do etc. Ed

Tuesday 24 June 2014

The van is prepped!!!!

A big thank you to Rob our mechanic, for doing a full service, checking the brakes and doing an all round good job to ensure that we can be as mechanically ready as we can. He does all our servicing and is a good bloke. Cheers Rob ( autoevolutions- ilminster)


Friday 20 June 2014

Cycling to work....week 1

SO, one week in on cycling to work. Weather has been lovely, rides have been good. I'm not exactly breaking boundaries in terms of speed, but at least I am getting to work. Just waiting for a lady from a credit card compnay to give me an offer that is too good to be true for the trip! I'll wait and see. Ed

Sunday 15 June 2014

6 weeks and counting!

It is all getting a bit real. 6 weeks today and it will all be very real.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Bye bye CRV

The CRV has finally gone now. Jasper and I are now cycling to Chard to deposit the money at the bank. Let's hope that this beautiful weather holds now for the rest of the summer term.....lots of cycling to be done now. Hoping that my new Garmin Edge 200 works well too!Father's day weekend too. So, in the spirit of business, this morning's task as described, Maya performing at Yeovil Octagon this afternoon, then we will take the motorhome to some friends for the night, lots of food, drinks etc, then try to stay awake for England match. Followed by the inevitable disappointment, then sleep. Then a nice father's day wake up in the van. Then the Ashill 5k race. I'm still trying for that illusive sub 20min 5k.All of this to be followed by the Green Scythe Fair, which in essence is a fair in a field for people who cut grass, drink cider and fall asleep in hay ricks. Sadly, Sunday evening is report writing time .....although hopefully I won't be doing this again! Ed

Saturday 7 June 2014 get used to cycling!

The CRV has now sold too. We have it for one more week. So I will have to get used to cycling to work. I have a week to enjoy driving to work and ensure I have work clothes left at school! The final part of the financial jigsaw is solved. 32 working days to go. Scarily I think it is 50 days until we depart!! All getting very real. Ed