Wednesday 26 November 2014

Another ordinary day!!!

I know that I've written about ordinary days before and they do happen quite frequently. As a result of somehow making the ordinary sound remotely interesting, several people have commented and emailed us about "ordinary day" saying it's their favourite blog so far!!! Well today has been another ordinary day (with a few pleasant surprises along the way!)
We started with school, which as we are now "living" beach side, was of course surrounded by sand. As the sun was shining so brightly some of us even needed sunglasses!!! Maya and Jasper worked hard on their maths and competed a page each before playtime was declared!!!
Naturally this took place on the beach, where else?
Two loads of washing had been done, and so a long drying line was constructed between the trees.
Soon full, with a slight sea breeze, the usual assortment of garments blew in the warm air and dried nicely. Some of us are still wearing shorts, but there are also jeans and trousers for those that feel the cold a bit! FYI stripy sock lovers, there were also socks, but they were drying elsewhere!!! 
An afternoon on the beach followed, interspersed with chats with our German neighbours Gabi and Norbert who run an organic fruit and veg box business back home. They are aiming to travel further south in Italy than we are now and they hope to cross to Sicily for Christmas. We are all heading to the local market tomorrow to sample the local produce! They kindly gave us some fresh local oranges and mandarins this afternoon, so we've had a really good dose of vitamin C.
Finally, we had afternoon tea and enjoyed the last few rays of sunshine watching the fishermen hauling in their nets. 
Another ordinary day for the Clements family on tour!


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