Tuesday 18 November 2014

Selfie selfie?

"Selfie, selfie?"
"No-ie, no-ie"
"Brolley, brolley?"
"No-ie, no-ie"
Another 500 barrages of street vendors trying to sell me a piece of tat that I don't need. I actually got to the point with one vendor, as he followed us presuming he'd get a sale, of explaining that my arms are long enough that I can take our own selfie without the use of a stick that he was trying to sell me. We have 4 months worth of selfies and if he really wanted that sale, I should've invited him back to sift through our many a thousand photos to prove that a) they were fine, or b) they were inadequate and that he was indeed correct in following me chanting "selfie selfie."
As you may determine from this, Rome has too many people trying to sell you a pile of gubbins, and that I don't really have time for them. There seemed to be an inordanent amount of people trying various ruses to get money out of all the tourists too. We saw one "elderly lady" attack another man with an umbrella. As people stopped to help them, we marched on by, not wishing to be pick-pocketed. At least we know where she got her umbrella from!
So, selfie selfie became no-ie no-ie!
It is only fair to point out that when in Lisbon, and the deluges came I did in fact buy two brolleys off a street vendor, but at least I went and asked him. I didn't shout in his face "BROLLEY BROLLEY!" These brolleys have been marvellous in their value but not their quality. Well used in the last two days as this photo shows.

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